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Saturday, October 25, 2014

Parenthood: The Farewell Season

Thoughts so far...


I thought I'd get back to trying to blog about the shows that I watch and why not start with the show that will be leaving us soon. Though I just started watching Parenthood last year I've come to really love the characters and the show. This show often makes me wish I had a large family and rarely makes me glad I can avoid all the drama. I truly think this show is the most realistic family drama I've watched. There's no siblings people never knew about or explosions or other huge situations that most people don't deal with. Sure owning your own record label is a bit of a stretch but it's not a huge plot point in the show anymore. I will be very sad to see this show go and will miss seeing the Bravermans on TV. Anyway let's get into my thoughts about this season.

I read a quote or interview or spoiler type article somewhere that lead me to believe some one WILL die this season. I know I'm not the only one who thinks this but it is totally cramping my style. I spend every episode seeing ways different characters could die in that episode. I've probably already imagined  a car wreck happening every time any one gets in the car. My main concerns have been for Zeek of course and then for Crosby after the motorcycle incident. If I could watch the season without worrying so much about everyone dying it would be much more enjoyable. I'm hoping that once the show finishes a rewatch will make me enjoy this last season a little more since I will know what happens.

Zeek & Camille
 The main story line this season has been regarding Zeek's health. I spend every scene with Zeek worrying he is going to keel over. I love Zeek; I don't want anything to happen to him. Now if he does die it would feel very predictable since everyone has had to think that since the first episode this season. I'm glad Zeek's health is improving and my only hope is that now he doesn't work himself up too much. Some other thoughts:
  • I loved Zeek's reaction to Amber's pregnancy. It was perfection.
  • I miss the old house. SO MUCH.
  • Camille needs to chill. She is always freaking out.
  • Zeek sometimes needs to listen to Camille; some freakouts have a point.
Adam, Kristina, Haddie, & Max
Kristina opened the school and I couldn't be happier about it. Adam working at the school seems much more natural for him than at the Luncheonette. Of course Max didn't want to go to the school but that all worked out. I love that Max has a crush and is researching it. I liked Haddie's appearance and her bonding with Amber. But my favorite scene with anyone from this family was when Kristina got Zeek to get up and walk. She was the one who could say I've been there it sucks but you've got to try! That scene was great. Monica Potter does such a fantastic job as Kristina.

Joel & Julia
All I want out of this season is Joel and Julia back together. I don't know how that can happen in the handful of episodes we have left but I need it too. Julia's new boyfriend would be fine if I didn't love Joel so much. Joel did get himself into this mess and I don't blame Julia for moving on but I want them back together STAT. As for the people who say Parenthood makes them cry every episode, I'm not one of those I don't cry often. But last week when Julia was explaining to Sydney in front of Joel that she didn't know what would happen between them, I cried. I think scenes with Julia always make me cry the most. That sums it up for this family, except the storyline where Sydney was a bully and who wouldn't have guessed that.

Sarah, Amber & Drew
Sarah's with Hank it's nice. His ex doesn't want her around his kid but the work it out. That's pretty much Sarah's story so far. Amber, on the other hand, has had one of the bigger storylines so far, her pregnancy. I'm glad it's Ryan's baby. I didn't particularly enjoy Sarah's reaction but they fixed that. I wish Amber would give Ryan a chance. Drew was kind of right about the whole Ryan thing and I'm glad he didn't leave Amber there. Drew has been harsh with Amber by only telling her the truth (about Ryan and dating) but Amber definitely needed to hear that from someone. I really hope that Ryan will come to Amber before the end of the season and say I want to be with you and be a dad, I've got my life together. One can only hope.

The season started with Crosby mad that Adam couldn't trust him to do something. That might've been an episode or two in but since then Crosby has done NOTHING to prove trustworthy. Just when I thought he had grown up and got his life together he proves otherwise. Seriously he needs to grow up. He is getting drunk in the day complaining about the responsibility of a wife and kids. He has a good life he needs to realize it. If he dies in a motorcycle accident, car wreck, or something else stupid I will be so mad. He should know better. Crosby has been the one to frustrate me the most this season. Mainly from the latest episode and the sneak peek didn't look good for him either.

So that's what I think so far. What are your thoughts? How much will you miss Parenthood? Or is it time for it to go?

Thursday, July 3, 2014

Don't Trust the B: Episode 4 Making Rent...

Don't Trust the B in Apartment 23
Season 1
Episode 4: Making Rent...
I've finally decided that what I think would make this show better for me would be more James Van der Beek. But since the show is cancelled I guess my opinion no longer matters, not that it would have anyway. So we are off. June describes her love of New York and how she has money problems because everything is so expensive. She wonders why these lady teases her with crab cakes she proceeds to give to her dog. Then we get to hear inside the random ladies head! I thought this was weird and out of character for the show since the rest of the narration is clearly by June.

Chloe is also facing money troubles but rather than work (she can't possibly have a job, she's always around and too crazy to have one) she is trying to run the roommate scam again. Then a German flight attendant comes in and acts like she lives there but it's just another one of Chloe's scams. As Chloe and June argue about the morality of these scams June states that there are NO grey areas. June seems way more naïve to me now how can someone be living on their own and not consider there to be grey areas in life. Although Chloe's scams are wrong.
Chloe goes to borrow money from James who she has already borrowed from many times that Luther (I thought he was the tailor but apparently he handles the finances too) refuses to lend her money. James van Der Beek is wearing these uber tight jeans that they call Beek jeans. He got this deal because he is on Dancing with the Stars. I had no knowledge of him landing a DWTS gig so I'm wondering if Netflix has these episodes out of order or maybe I'm supposed to play along.
June goes to church with the coffee guy. It's a Korean church she says its like home because she was raised Baptist (so was I and I would not be comfortable there mostly because they were all speaking Korean). She gives the pastor jam and then has a brilliant idea to sell her jam to make money. She actually said "Jam is the answer" and then the pastor asked to touch coffee guys hair. This is not even close to the weirdest part of the episode.
Cue the cute Chloe and June jam making montage. At least I thought it was cute until what happens next. Eli (pervy neighbor dude) told Chloe to set up cameras and make a fetish video to post online of them making jam. This is how they were making money of the jam. June then notices the cameras which are EVERYWHERE and not hid at all. How did she not notice the over 10 cameras blatantly positioned around her apartment, we will never know! I'm guessing because she's the most naïve person ever.
June has jam to sell at the coffee shop and Eli actually left his apartment and we see him not behind the window!!! But he confiscates all of June's jam because it was filthy when she made it. Chloe and James go visit his billboard which is badly or perfectly placed depending on who you ask. A meatball billboard is right next to it. June uses stalker neighbor, Robin, to pay her rent by ensuring Robin can get close to Chloe. It's a pretty sweet deal for June.
Now everyone is gathered at a party at The Beek's apartment because his ill placed billboard actually made him more famous in certain circles. I'm sensing a theme of James doing something bad or something that others would find awful but it miraculously turns around to bring him good luck. At the party stuff goes down Chloe says the money she was going to earn was going to pay both their rent, there's a scene where Chloe cusses people out and they blur out her mouth (I have no clue why), June confesses to helping Robin stalk for money, and the girls make up. Chloe's cool with paying Robin to stalk and Robin falls off a railing Chloe loosened to sue James when she fell. Everyone is happy! Then we have the end scene in which Eli is bathing in the jam while talking to his grandma on the phone. I found it disturbing but thought it was funny when they mentioned the show Castle and how it was getting better. But that was really just a plug for another ABC show. Nicely done ABC nothing like blatant name dropping of how your own show is getting better!!
That's all for this episode! What did you think? What could've saved this show or was it perfect the way it was?

By the way I think Van Der Jeans would've been much catchier than Beek Jeans, just saying!

Throwback Thursday: Saved by the Bell

Hi all!
Instead of just strictly reviewing whatever series Morgan and I happen to be watching at the time we thought we'd add some random reviews every week. So we came up with Throwback Thursday posts! In these posts we will watch and review an episode from an old TV show to see how it holds up! I chose Saved by the Bell as my first post.

I've probably always watched Saved By the Bell and its been sitting in my Netflix instant queue for probably over a year but I never choose to watch it. So I decided to pick up on whatever episode I left off on which happened to be season one's Save the Last Dance for Me. If anyone doesn't know Saved by the Bell didn't start out as the show we all know and love, it actually started out as a show called Good Morning Miss Bliss. This show was the first 13 episodes of what became Saved By the Bell and doesn't include all the familiar faces only Zack, Belding, Lisa, and Screech.

First scene Mikey (think Slater but not Slater) and Shana are talking in the hallway and my reaction was who are these people. I temporarily forgot about the whole Miss Bliss thing. I also thought Shana called Mikey Slater but she actually said "see you later" (I just really wanted Slater not Mikey). We now go into the theme song which is the one we all know! I love the theme song and seeing all these characters that aren't the regulars I remember makes me wish I had picked an episode from the later seasons.

Now we have a scene in Miss Bliss' classroom. Though she left the show I really enjoyed Miss Bliss, she was always on the kids side. Mr. Belding is like the preacher in Footloose and refuses to let the kids have an 8th grade (they look younger than that to me--I must be getting old) dance. There was a fight years ago so Belding thinks there will always be fights or he's too lazy to put on the dance.

The very young Zack Morris and Nikki (I'm getting the Jessie vibe from her) talk Miss Bliss into convincing Belding to let them dance. Miss Bliss talks to her teacher friend about it (Teachers have friends! And lives!). Miss Bliss says, "Dorks never get sick" about her lame date she has that weekend. They go talk to Belding who wants to destroy fun by not letting anyone dance because he had a bad dance experience (surprise, surprise). I was surprised there was so much about the teachers and not the kids that was one of the changes made when it became Saved By the Bell.

Lisa (Yay! a familiar face!) talks with Nikki about boys asking them to the dance. Lisa referenced Rob Lowe which I loved. But this episode is from the 80s when teenage girls loved Rob Lowe not just people who loved 80s movies. Zack and Mikey have a heart to heart in the boys bathroom about asking girls to the dance while Zack is yo-yoing. He is yo-yoing in the boys bathroom with a yo-yo. Anyway Zack Morris drops some of his knowledge of women on poor Mikey who we all know doesn't have the Zack Morris charm so its not going to work. He also doesn't have the charm of Mario Lopez but I guess I cant hold that against him.

Shana, who I think is the equivalent of Kelly except not as good or pretty, asks Zack to the dance. Of course Mikey wanted to go with Shana but he didn't tell Zack that. Now we have a decorating for the dance scene where it is made perfectly clear what a fun killer Belding is. Lisa says "Records. That's so low tech" which is way funnier in 2014 than it was in 1989. Screech thinks the ladies want him because he only hears what he wants of conversations and is going to be a DJ. Milo is this DJ character who I really like, it would've been fun if he stayed to be on the kids side against Belding.

Mikey confronts Zack about stealing his girl, Miss Bliss comes to the rescue before Belding has a meltdown. Mikey calls Zack "Mr. Teen Idol" and then Miss Bliss gives them a nice bros over hoes talk (which is the lesson of the episode!).

Finally at the long awaited dance! Screech is wearing the most ridiculous outfit (it was the '80s) and Miss Bliss' date is lame. No one looks excited to dance. Then Mikey walks in and Screech cuts the music on the record player (ha!) da..da..dum... Belding freaks out Miss Bliss says let them talk. It's time for the SHOWDOWN. Mikey says mean things like "ex-best friend" and threatens to punch Zack and the Zack says "Please don't stop being my friend, that would hurt more." Somehow the cheesiest line ever worked on Mikey and they are all good again Zack even lets him take his date home. Then Miss Bliss and her nerdy date dance until the credits roll!!

I enjoyed going back to watch this episode! I really forgot about all these characters from before and don't remember watching these episodes. It was fun, cheesy and with crazy late '80s style yes but still enjoyable. Some things were even funnier now than they were then though I'm sure kids probably loved it more when it aired than if kids watched it now. Overall I think it does hold up if you take it for what it is for a sweet, simple, '80s-90s sitcom for kids.

Did you love or hate Saved by the Bell? Do you remember the Miss Bliss episodes? Can you still watch it today? Share any thoughts in the comments!!


**Disclaimer: None of the pictures belong to me. They are the property of Saved By the Bell**

Wednesday, July 2, 2014

Don't Trust the B: Episode 5

Don't Trust the B in Apartment 23
Season 1
Episode 5: The Wedding...
Okay I have to admit watching this show is starting to feel like a chore. I don't know if it's because I am writing about it or if I'm just not a fan of the show. This episode did feature more of James Van Der Beek so maybe there is hope yet!
Let me just sum this episode up real quick for you! June and James start hanging out and it makes Chloe jealous. Meanwhile they attend a wedding the June was supposed to go with her fiancé and they decided she would be the one to go to it. The twist is he shows up anyway! He did call and tell Chloe he was coming she just didn't tell June! They devise a scheme to make the ex jealous to prove that he should miss June.
Here are some moments that stood out to me.
Eli saying: "Is my tambo bothering you?"
He plays tambourine in a band that wears glittery purple shirts that plays at the wedding everyone else is at! Convenient! Later Eli calls James JVDB and I thought that was funny.
"Pretend you are getting up on Jamie Foxx just enough to make George Clooney jealous"
"I got home before that little hooker"
I also liked when June and James talked in the third person. It was funny and its the confidence Chloe wanted June to have.
Chloe brings Frank Atwood to the wedding with her.
James and June's dance is way better than Chloe's (obviously) and its funny she said the never practiced. It must've been his DWTS routine! I also liked that he told everyone to vote for him and the whole building himself up to acting bit.
I hated that June's ex said he cheated because she was boring. He should've done something to make his life more fun with her or just dump her. I really hate him now and hope we've seen the last of him!
Almost forgot to mention that JVDB slept with the bride after they were married because he was her freebie!
Any thoughts?
**Disclaimer: No pictures are my property**


Supernatural Season 1: Episode 4 Phantom Traveler


Season 1: Episode 4
Phantom Traveler

Dean brooding face and pouty lips really remind me of someone. I feel like I've seen someone always make that face before but I just can't place it.

We start off the episode with a man being possessed by something then going out of the plane resulting in the fall of the plane. The brothers get a call from a man that Dean and the dad helped a few years back. Of course the boys are posing as homeland security and go to check out the wreckage and talk to survivors. These boys have a way of making people talk to them. I mean if they came to me and asked questions, I would tell them anything they wanted to hear. ;) Seriously though, I don't see how they are able to get things out of people. They must have some psychology tricks up their sleeves.

These boys look good dressed up. They know a lot of information and are pretty handy at making things. Dean made a transmitter out of a Walkman. Pretty cool. I'd like to have them around for some handy man work. The boys got caught which seems to be an ongoing trend. How are they not in jail? Are they that stealthy?

The boys made a good point that every religion has demonic possession in it. Each religion has a different take on things but the same concept. I find this very interesting. If every religion has it, then somewhere along the lines people would have to encounter them, right? What do you think? Do you believe in demons or the paranormal? For me, the only things that I really know about it are from television shows. Though some do have credibility, let's be honest, it's television. Check back with me on this after I do some research, I'm curious now.

The demon is going after all of it's survivors and the boys have decided to get on the plane to follow the flight attendant that survived the plane crash. We find out that Dean is afraid of flying, which is actually pretty cute. He's freaking out.

"Come on, man. Why do you think I drive everywhere?" Poor Dean. This just shows us his soft side that he has and shows how human he is. He hums Metallica which calms him down. Ha!

They are using the dad's journal again to get the exorcism spell on the co pilot who they have figured out was possessed. The demon tells Sam that he knows what happened to his girlfriend. What a dick move demon! The boys save the day once again and the demon is gone.

When talking to Jerry(the man Dean and the dad helped) they found out that he had recently got in contact with the dad and gave him Deans phone number. Where is the dad at? Is he dead? Or does a supernatural thing have him?

I just love the end of each episode where the boys drive away in the impala to rock music. Such a bad ass move!

WCW: Lana Parrilla

One of the things that Allie and I will be doing on our blog is WCW, MCM, and TBT. Today being Wednesday, we have our first installment of WCW. What better person to award the first WCW to than Lana Parrilla?

When I first joined twitter on my television account, I came to follow a bunch of fandoms so I could talk to other fanatics about my obsessiveness of my favorite shows. During this time, it was August of 2013, right before the season 3 premiere of Once Upon a Time. I had only been a fan of the show for a couple of months and had rewatched the first two season twice by this time. I quickly found an array of different people that were obsessed, if not more, with OUAT. I found that people were intensely loving certain characters and formed bonds creating a side fandom of sorts with each other. You had the ugly ducklings for the main character, Hookers for Captain Hook, and then you had paired fandoms with OTP in the show such as Rumbelle. I believe one of the biggest fandoms that OUAT has is the Evil Regals for The Evil Queen. With so many characters, there were even feuds for the OTP character matches and who should be with who, but for the purpose of the post we will only be talking about the face behind the evil queen.

I first started watching Once Upon a Time because I'm a sucker for fairytales. When I found this show, I was so intrigued to see how they were going to take a twist on some of my favorite childhood favorites. Also, Jennifer Morrison was staring in the show and she happened to be one of my favorite actresses. I was sold. I had to see it.

The show is quite good. There are some things that I wish I could switch up about it but I genuinely think that the writing is great. One character that I was surprised that I liked was The Evil Queen. I'm not one that generally like the overpowering evil woman in a show. I like that about my men. The meaner and more bad ass the better! I don't like woman to be that way, however, The Evil Queen is different. You expect her to be bad, you want to see what she is doing to people and how she plans to ruin the pretty little dainty woman in the show. I liked it and loved to see her come on the screen. That and Regina(aka Evil Queen) had some impeccable outfits. They were gorgeous and something that caught my attention. Of course, since I liked her, I had to find interviews and other movies that this actress was in and obsess even more. (Yeah I'm nerdy) I found out that she is a great person. I can't believe the amazing acting skills that she has. She really brings it all out to play the Evil Queen.

Lana Parrilla is one of the sweetest, kindest and love able female actresses that I have ever came across. You can literally feel the love and devotion that she has for her fans. She makes sure to protect them at all cost. When people are feuding or degrading about Swanqueen (Jennifer Morrison character and Lana's character love interest relationship) she doesn't say "it's not going to happen" or anything rude. She embraces it and loves that fandom even more. I have never seen an actress so involved and loving to her fans. She tries to make it a point to go out of her way and participate during live shows when she can. How humbling that someone famous shows everyone that they are just like them? That is wonderful.

For me, I couldn't imagine a better actress out there. She is so genuine and really beautiful. Her smile alone can turn the most cynical person around. Her beauty radiates and you can tell she doesn't flaunt how pretty she is in front of others. She's just a humble person that I feel like would be wonderful to be around.

The Evil Regal fandom is probably one of the biggest and greatest one that I have ever came across. They are always doing projects and sending love to each other in honor of Lana. It is so heart warming that so many people have came together in honor of one woman. As I have seen on twitter, when people are down they remind each other of her love for them and really have helped people changed their lives for the better. I love seeing all of the evil regals great doing and appauld them for all the wonderful things that they do.

What do you think of Lana? If you are a fan of Once Upon a Time, what fandom do you belong to?

**DISCLAIMER: None of the photos are mine. They belong to Lana Parrilla, ABC, and the people who took them.**


Don't Trust the B: Mean Girls...

Don't Trust the B in Apartment 23
Season 1
Episode 3: Mean Girls...
I know this show wasn't super popular and has been off the air for awhile but I think I would've watched it when it aired if it was after something I already watched. Hopefully you are enjoying finding this show or remembering when you watched it.

Show starts off with super optimistic June walking the streets of NYC. June wants to have a girls day out with Chloe. I think their versions of that are going to be VERY different. They went on a crime tour of NYC and Chloe thinks its hilarious. Coffee guy is the sensible one of all the characters and he is still kind of ridiculous.
James Van Der Beek is jealous of Mark Paul Gosselaar. Battle of the '90s heartthrobs! June tried to have a dinner with Chloe but she didn't show because she didn't think they were friends. Neighbor guy still hasn't come out from behind the window and wears high heels.
James meets his celebrity mentee who doesn't know who he is and is being bullied. Being the guy he is he jumps off the train before confronting the bullies. June gets a group of girlfriends who all wear matching shirts. Chloe hates hanging out with girls and goes to complain to Jane.
Chloe gets into it with the Queen Bee of the group who then gets murdered the next day. June obviously thinks that Chloe was the murderer, she did enjoy that murder tour. James is going to make over the little girl. Chloe has decided to do suspicious things to let June think she did it. Oh my god he dressed the little girl up like an old woman and when they made fun of her she beats him up. So his plan worked but not as planned.
June also tricked Chloe into admitting they are friends because she found out Stephanie wasn't really dead. They were playing "murder chicken" and June won. Crazy stalker Robin buys all the groceries for them. James learns his lesson about helping people sort of...
Well that's the end of episode 3! This show isn't going to be one of my favorites but I can see it as something to watch casually. I'm not really a fan of many sitcoms and it takes me awhile to warm up to most of them. I really think I would enjoy it more if there was more James Van Der Beek. What do you think?


Tuesday, July 1, 2014

Don't Trust the B: Daddy's Girl

Don't Trust the B in Apartment 23
Season 1
Episode 2: Daddy's Girls..

To start this episode off we have a nice voiceover summing up the pilot. June is in no rush to date but then sees a baby and the song "Hello" starts to play. The timing and song choices on this show are great. Probably the best part of the show so far.

June has a plan for her whole life Chloe thinks she needs more spontaneity. Chloe is planning to set June up with some guy, Scott. But June doesn't trust Chloe and Chloe is complaining about it to Dawson (I mean James). James is very jealous of James Franco and is going to teach an acting class at NYU like Franco would.

June thinks she can find a husband while biking and has a weird/hilarious conversation with the coffee guy. Chloe threw a party to secretly set up Chloe with Scott and when they begin talking "Hello" starts playing again. They suspect a set up and that upsets June. Scott and June hit it off just like Chloe suspected but the twist is Scott is Chloe's dad. Haha! Didn't see that one coming (after looking back at the title I really should've)!

Another Skype with Chloe's parents, this seems unnecessary to me. Robin from down the hall is getting even creepier. James Van Der Beek as a professor is cute! And all the kids only care about Dawson's Creek and then he starts a monologue from the show. The kids love it and he's surprised. Just imagine if he did the crying face. Chloe tries to use the same speech on June but June who is an avid Creek fan cant be fooled!

James just wants to not be Dawson anymore but that's never going to happen! June is over the creepiness of sleeping with her roommates dad. She tells Chloe that she is and Chloe's mom is there worried that dad is cheating. No wonder Chloe is so messed up. I'm kind of loving Chloe's Tres Cool sweater it's weird but fits her. After advice from creepy neighbor dude they decide that June has to dump the dad.

"It's quirky. That's New Yorky"

James takes over the coffee shop to do some Shakespeare and the crowd continues to call him Dawson. The girl yelling take me with you Dawson was my favorite. June and Chloe go dump her dad he freaks out and Chloe pushes him in the street. Cut to the bonding at the bar scene. We find out June only "dry humped" Chloe's dad. I loved the very end where James is super conceited and decides to just be Dawson to help the world.

I hope this show will grow on me and I enjoy the upcoming episodes. What are your thoughts?


Supernatural Season 1: Episode 3 Dead in the Water

Season 1: Episode 3
Dead in the Water

I must admit that the music of the show is really picking up and not bothering me as much as it did in the beginning. It's background noise that fills the transitions nicely. Thankfully, the have corrected it from where it overpowered the scene. Hopefully, the music will stay this way, unless it's a song I really like.

Dean and Sam have traveled to a new town and are looking for a thing in the water. This episode they are pretending to be wildlife rangers. I find it so amusing that they pretend to be different people each episode. Dean always have some kind of badge stating what he is. That's great and makes the show seem realistic. If they just showed up and said what they were, it would make the show seem fake. This way it's making a more realistic view on the show.

When Dean is talking to the kid we get to see that sweet side if him. He's telling Lucas that he was the same age as him when something bad happened to him and no one would listen to him. Of course, sensual music is playing to set the scene filling it nicely to the moment we are seeing. Dean's soft side is really drawing me in at this point. I'm swooning over hear listening to him pour his heart out to this kid. This moment is key to figuring out what is actually in the water. I wonder if we are going to see the thing in the dad's journal.

Dean had another sweet moment with the kid while Sam was there. You can really tell that the two brothers never really have talked about their mom to each other. Sam and Dean did not have a sweet moment together and Dean let that bad boy side show and shut him down.

Sam and Dean were supposed to leave town and put it behind them but since the kid freaked out they turned around. Mom was drowning in the tub but Sam saved her. This pour kid is going to be scarred for life.

The sheriff and the other guy killed the little boy when they were kids. The drowned him and the spirit lives in the water taking his killers family. Lucas for some unknown reason went to the water and was pulled in. The sheriff then realized that the brothers were right about the spirit and apologized to the little boy that he killed ultimately telling the boy to take him. Lucas finally ended up talking and the brothers drove away to another epic ending song.

We didn't get to see anything from the dad or his journal so maybe the journal is just a thing that made them actually go and start hunting together. All in all I really liked this episode. We got to see the soft side of Dean and show that he is still hurting from his mom.

On a side note, I'm not looking at Jared as Dean from Gilmore girls. I think that this is my favorite role that Jared has ever played. His acting in this is on point and he really becomes the role.

**DISCLAIMER: None of the photos are mine. They belong to The WB and Supernatural.**


Supernatural Season 1: Episode 2 Wendigo

I'm usually one that when I find a show to watch, I will obsessively binge watch it until I have finished all of the episodes. So, of course, after I finished watching episode one I was ready for episode two. Usually, Allie and I will text about the current shows we are watching and ruin it for the other if they haven't watched it, so typing while watching this show is actually quite the same, except my notes aren't giving me the text back that I keep waiting for.

Season 1: Episode 2

If I remember correctly wasn't Wendigo also a Charmed episode of that wolf-like creature or something like that? I do believe I'm right, maybe not about the wolf part but I definitely remember that name from being in Charmed.

Sam goes to the graveyard and is visiting that girls grave. So she did died in their apartment. Maybe this is what have him the final push to leave and go with his brother. His little speech and teary eyes at her grave really gave my heart a tug. He seemed like he generally did love her and wanted to settle down with her. However, it was just a dream that he was having. The hand that shot up out of the grave scared the crap out of me. I am a little jumpy tonight though and it is late so cut me some slack on that.

Sam and Dean start off on their journey to follow the Dad since they have his journal and he left them coordinates to the place he is going. Speaking of the journey, the background is obviously green screened. It really pops out at you and looks so fake. Seriously, can you make it seem real at least?

Where is the dad? Is he going to be a character that you hardly ever see and sends them to these places to find the supernatural thing? Is he Charlie and these are his angels?

The Wendigo is a thing that moves really fast and growls. It's living in this cave and bringing it's victims to torture and kill them. I hope that we get to see its face so I can see if I can remember it from Charmed.

The scenery in this show is impeccable. It's so beautiful and seems so unreal. I'd love to visit some of these places (without any of the supernatural things of course).

The dad's journal reminds me a lot of the spell book in Charmed. I wonder if it is going to have every supernatural thing in it like the one in  Charmed? That would be kind of cool but I don't know if they will do that.

Okay, I'll admit it, I'm loving Dean. He's got that cool macho guy to him and he says all the awesome bad ass lines. He even had a heart to heart with Sam trying to get him to get his head together to go out and hunt these supernatural beings. You can tell he has that rough exterior but a soft side to him that we probably won't get to see a lot. I'm cool with that as long as he keeps up this bad boy aura to him and gives me sweet moments. He did go ahead of everyone so they could get out safely.

"You want some white meat bitch? I'm right here!" Classic line. I'm going to have to find a way to work that into conversation somehow.

With all being saved from the Wendigo, the boys go out to find dad. Of course we can't do this without the boys driving the muscle car and the rock music onto the next adventure.

When the episode concluded, I looked it up and the Wendigo is an episode of Charmed. The two shows had different backgrounds on it but they look relatively the same with Supernatural having the modern age twist to it. The two images belong are from their respectable shows. (Sorry about the bad one from Supernatural, I was to busy watching the show and hit the print screen late and didn't go back)

**DISCLAIMER: None of the photos are mine. They belong to The WB, Charmed and Supernatural.**


Monday, June 30, 2014

Don't Trust the B in Apartment 23

Hey everyone!

This is Allie and I'm so excited we started this blog! My first entry is going to be about a sitcom I have only seen one episode of. But since I don't have cable or satellite and mainly watch TV on Netflix I like to try different shows that have already been cancelled. Which led me to Don't Trust the B---- in Apartment 23. The one episode I watched was a Dawson's Creek one with Busy Phillips because it aired soon after I found a love of Dawson's. And truly I am only watching to see if James Van Der Beek can ever not be the annoying Dawson Leery we all love to hate.

Don't Trust The B in Apartment 23
Season 1
 Episode 1: Pilot

Well we start out with two characters having sex around the apartment when a roommate walks in. "My roommate slept with my fiancé on my birthday cake and it was the best thing that ever happened to me"

Now we are following the blonde girl but I didn't even know she was in this show. So obviously I didn't know anything about it. Her company has went under and now she cant get into her building. So this may be the worst day of June's (that's her name!) life.

These Skype chats with her parents are weird.

"This bad luck cant last forever" Those are famous last words.

Cue the interviewing roommates montage. The B---- in the show does seem normal in the roommate interview. Chloe called him "Beek from the Creek" and they used to date but now is like her gay best friend just not gay.

Girl from down the hall who says "don't trust the bitch in apartment 23 looks familiar. Can't place her though. Neighbor guy is creepy. Chloe is walking around naked and its all blurred out. Probably way more blurring than they need. Is neighbor guy going to stand behind that window all the time like he's the neighbor on Home Improvement.

She calls James Van Der Beek and "I Don't Wanna To Wait" comes on as a girl walks down the stairs. That was perfect.

Little blonde chick stood up to Chloe by selling all her stuff after Chloe stole from her. Nice move June. And June just tried to sing "I Don't Wanna wait" to James. This is going be the running joke and I bet it really does happen in his life.

June give a nice speech complete with background music to get back Chloe's ottoman. She only wanted the ottoman back because it had drugs in it. Then Indiana boyfriend, who is not cute,  shows up and Chloe asks who wants to get weird and play Mario Kart. Chloe gets the kid who comes with him (as a patient for him to monitor?) drunk and he tells her Indiana boy is cheating on June. Chloe tries to tell June the truth but June does not believe her (rightfully so). And this brings us full circle to the birthday cake sex scene. Nurse girl gets mad when she also walks in on him cheating.

Now we have a nice bonding moment in a bar and everyone is friends. The best part may be the commercial James Van Der Beek did at the end.

To sum it up, this has been a mildly amusing show I can keep watching it but I don't see it becoming a favorite. Since I am a Dawson's Creek fan all the jokes about it pretty funny. Hopefully, the show will keep us from making the famous Dawson face.

Did anyone watch this while it was on air? Did you love it or hate it? Is anyone sad its gone? Can James Van Der Beek ever not be Dawson?


Disclaimer: None of these pictures belong to me. All our from Don't Trust the B---- in Apartment 23, The WB, or ABC.

Supernatural: Season 1 Episode 1

Every time I log onto Netflix, Supernatural is there staring me in the face in my top picks. I have heard a lot of good things about this show but I just never got around to actually watching it. Jared Padalecki is one of the main characters. While his dashing good looks draw most woman in, I can't look past the fact that he was Dean on Gilmore Girls. His character Dean was the perfect boyfriend but he lacked that bad ass attitude I tend to always fall in love with. When Jess came along, Dean definitely had to go and my hatred for him grew.  Hopefully, while watching Supernatural, I can look past that face and not see him for being the guy in Gilmore Girls. Plus, that other main character on this show does have the right looks to draw me in. So here we go....


Season 1: episode 1

Starting off with a sweet little Walton's moment where everyone is telling each other goodnight. So sweet. It wouldn't be complete without the dramatic sweet music playing in the background.

#jeffreydeanmorgan yay! Loved him in greys anatomy. He really did a good job playing Denny. I've seen him in something else and liked him. I can't remember what it is though.

Okay this part made me make a gasping noise. Ha. Mother saw the baby and dad and walking down she realized it wasn't him. When the dad heard the scream he looks up and she's on the ceiling. My thoughts are she's just on the ceiling, not much of a reaction. Then she gets engulfed with flames! Whattttt?! The dad's reaction is to give the baby over to the other kid and try to save her? Hell no, bitch is a goner. Get the kids and get out of there.

22 years into present day, we get I meet Sam (Jared) and he's in college. Was that the baby? Or other kid? Not sure yet.

One thing about this show that's annoying me is the music. I feel like I'm watching a horror film where you know something is about to happen. I get that you are building up the scene for something to happen but do you need to overpower it with music that blows me away? I'll have to get used to that. It annoyed me at first when I was watching The Vampire Diaries too.

In comes Dean with in a combat way and takes down Sam. He's pretty cute and seems to be the bad boy(score!). He's got that chiseled jaw line going and I'm loving it. Dean just said he's 26 so he's the older brother. This is really going to confuse me with the other guy being named Dean. Maybe this will help me not picture Jared as Dean from GG or hearing that name and seeing Jared will be bad. Who knows.

Off they go onto a trip to find their dad who is away hunting some demon thing. They are bringing along several weapons with them including a sweet u shaped knife that Sam pulled out of his apartment.

Well we find out that they are chasing some girl who killed herself and she's hitch hiking and killing the victims that pick her up. During this time we have a heart to heart with Sam who is wanting to shed the lifestyle of his family and live a normal life. He didn't know his mom so he really doesn't get the big deal of hunting supernatural things. I get that. Even though it seems awesome to do, he wants to live a quiet simple life and not hunt things. I get it but it's boring. Listen to the hot brother Sam! (Which we all know he will)

From this first episode I can already tell that I love Dean. He's a smart ass and has smug looks all the time. Plus, he just got arrested and broke out of the handcuffs using a paper clip. Swoon. He's the bad ass boy that I know I'm going to fall for. Yes! There's always one in every show that I love but I didn't think that I would find him so soon.

They found a way to fight that lady by driving the car through the house and making her face her fears. After fighting off the lady in white, they were going to meet their dad but Sam needed to get home for his interview. Sam then sees his dead mother in flames on the ceiling and Dean saves him. How sweet. This immediately seals the deal that Sam is going hunting with Dean. So is the girlfriend dead?

Initial thought of the show is I think it's going to be good. I feel like it has a Charmed, The Vampire Diaries and horror films mash up to it. Hopefully, I decide that I love this show. So many people have said good things about it and the twitter fan base is large.
Anyway follow for more updates on me going through the show.

**DISCLAIMER: None of the photos are mine. They belong to The WB and Supernatural.**

Hello  TV Addicts!

We would like to start off by introducing ourselves. We are two girls who enter various different realities and obsess over characters that we fall for and hope to be like. We have "traveled" to towns such as Stars Hollow, sailed across the ocean in a boat named Summer, been on archaeological adventures studying skeletons, and plunged deep inside the anatomy to save the lives of people who have helped shaped us into the people we are today. Through this blog, we would like to take you through our crazy thoughts on various television shows that we have watched previously and shows that we are just watching for the first time. Included on this list are shows such as Supernatural, Scandal, Once Upon a Time, How I Met Your Mother, and Grey's Anatomy to name a few.

We hope that you have as much fun on our journey and engage with us through it all.

Welcome to the minds of Morgan and Allie.
